Anais Nin- “Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fe with the same people and have the same job, but you have had 365 days more experience and opportunity for personal growth, so you are indeed a different person. Rather than coming back around to exactly the same point, as if you were on a merry-go round, you have changed and developed, as if you were going up a spiral staircase. Even your body has changed. The oldest red blood cell in your circulatory system is only going to be about 120 days old, and every three days we have a new intestinal wall!
For a woman, cyclical hormonal and emotional changes occur within the body all the time. Over the course of our lives we change from children to young women, then experience the transition into the ‘mother’ years (even if you choose or are unable to have children- your body and hormones will still be in this cycle) and then we change again, experiencing the process of menopause-which incidentally has a beginning, a middle and an end of it’s own. Eventually, we become post-menopausal women.
Unfortunately, this particular change is not often honored in our society, making it difficult for many of us to really benefit from the rray, changes are occurring. How often have you heard someone say, “Oh it’s my birthday again and everything’s still exactly the same as it was last year.”
Well, just look closely at your life for a moment. Maybe you’re still living in the same place with the same people and have the same job, but you have had 365 days more experience and opportunity for personal growth, so you are indeed a different person. Rather than coming back around to exactly the same point, as if you were on a merry-go round, you have changed and developed, as if you were going up a spiral staircase. Even your body has changed. The oldest red blood cell in your circulatory system is only going to be about 120 days old, and every three days we have a new intestinal wall!
For a woman, cyclical hormonal and emotional changes occur within the body all the time. Over the course of our lives we change from children to young women, then experience the transition into the ‘mother’ years (even if you choose or are unable to have children- your body and hormones will still be in this cycle) and then we change again, experiencing the process of menopause-which incidentally has a beginning, a middle and an end of it’s own. Eventually, we become post-menopausal women.
Unfortunately, this particular change is not often honored in our society, making it difficult for many of us to really benefit from the lessons we can learn if we are allowed to explore and develop our personal power, but we’re starting to get there.
To make this process of life and change feel more natural and desirable, we need to begin accepting and honoring change. We need to realize thaasy, but life is a ‘work in progress’- and we can be the artist.
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